“They didn’t know it was impossible, so they did it.” Mark Twain

Jean is a former executive with a major group. He has experience of high-stakes contexts and situations. In recent years, he has experienced numerous transformations in international environments, on both technical and human levels. His approach remains that of a generalist in human support, always focused on operational efficiency and personal fulfillment.

Background and experience

After a few years in a large Anglo-Saxon audit firm, Jean worked in a services group, world leader in its sector, holding various management positions in France, internationally, in operational subsidiaries and at headquarters.

Jean has had a very wide range of experience: finance, company directors, presidency and general management of subsidiaries, secretariat of the investment committee, human resources at headquarters, major projects including those of transformation for the group…

Amongst all these experiences, he was also part of the M&A department and participated in strategic decisions at the level of the general management and the shareholders of the group.

Jean has always been passionate about accompanying people and organizations in the situations of change that he has experienced throughout his career. It was only natural that he turned to executive coaching, first within his group and then at Praesta.

Coaching practice

Jean brings to his coachees all his professional experience in an approach that is at once humanistic, pragmatic and operational.

He offers his dual culture of executive and coach in search of performance. His primary objective is personal transformation, awareness, the transition to action, and the search for autonomy in the coachee.

His approach is generalist, with an openness to all available coaching techniques that will be used according to the context and the person.


  • ICF certified coach at Mozaik International
  • Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris
  • Master’s degree in Economics, Paris II

Contact Jean de Tauriers

    *Mandatory informations